Privacy policy‍ (version 1)


1.1 TITLOGLOBAL HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE COMPANY, with the trade name "TITLOGLOBAL HELLAS", based in Patras, Greece, with Tax Identification Number 801404749 and company registry number 156099216000 (hereinafter referred to as "the company"), as the administrator of the websites "" and "" and any other website that provides access to the electronic platform "TITLOS" (hereinafter referred to as "the application") is an entity that may process private data.

1.2 This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy") belongs to the company.

1.3 The company recognizes that the protection of the privacy of each user/ visitor or subscriber (hereinafter referred to as "the user") of the application and the websites it manages is a fundamental right and takes every possible measure to ensure that the processing of the user's personal data is carried out in accordance with the rights, freedoms and in general with respect of the personality and privacy of the data subject.

1.4 The following privacy policy of the company governs the use of its online services, the websites it manages, as well as with any other means of communication, regarding the way of collecting, using, processing, sharing and protecting the user's personal data.

1.5 Before using the application, the user must carefully read the following terms, as he/she acknowledges and accepts that the sole use of it implies the unconditional and complete acceptance of this Privacy Policy and his/her explicit consent to the collection and processing of his/her personal data under the following terms and conditions.

1.6 The company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify and update the following Policy, without any prior notice to the user, who acknowledges and accepts this right of the company. Any modification takes place immediately with the integration of it in the data protection policy of the application and the websites that provide access to it.


2.1 In each visit or navigation of the websites managed by the company, access data are stored, such as, indicatively, the IP address (Internet Protocol), the date and the page visited by the user, the user's web browser (internet browser), the operating system of the user's computer, etc.

2.2 The information and data referred to above are collected exclusively and only on an aggregated basis for security reasons and for statistical purposes, are anonymized and are not related to the personal data of the user.

2.3 No personal data is collected by the company during the visit and simple navigation of the websites it manages.


3.1 During registration, each user must enter his/her personal details, such as name, surname, name and surname of mother and father, occupation, date and place of birth, address of residence, ID number or passport, Tax Identification Number and tax office, etc. The above list of required items is indicative, not restrictive, but includes strictly only as many items as are necessary to complete a property purchase.

3.2 During the registration of a property purchase, each user must upload the required supporting documents, which may refer to third parties and include the names of third parties and personal data, such as name, surname, name and surname of mother and father, occupation, date and place of birth, address of residence, ID number or passport, Tax Identification Number and tax office, etc.

3.3 All of the above personal data are sent by the user to the company voluntarily, within the framework of the services offered by the company.


4.1 Personal data are collected by the company only during the user's registration or/ and during the stage of registration and processing of a property purchase and only within the framework of the provision of the company's services to the user, the terms of use of the websites managed by the company, and on the basis of the use of the application.

4.2 The company collects only as many personal data as are necessary to complete a property purchase.


5.1 The company processes personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation"), the applicable Greek legislation and the decisions of the Data Protection Authority for the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

5.2 The data is entered and processed electronically, in accordance with the principle of proportionality and with the exclusive criterion of confidentiality and security.

5.3 The company processes the user's personal data through its employees and collaborators, who are bound by confidentiality and secrecy clauses in relation to the processing of the user's personal data.

5.4 The company does not disclose personal data to third parties, except with the express consent of the user and exclusively within the framework of the provision of its services.

5.5 The company applies all reasonable technical security measures to protect the user's personal data from any unauthorized collection, use, disclosure, etc.


6.1 The company processes and stores the personal data that the user enters as personal information during registration until the user requests the cancellation or deletion of the registration.

6.2 The company processes and stores the personal data contained in the supporting documents uploaded to the application only for as long as it is deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose of the collection, i.e. the processing of the property purchase to which they relate.

6.3 By exception, the company may keep personal data for a longer period than necessary for statistical or research purposes, provided that anonymization or/and encryption is ensured with electronic means, or with the express consent of the user for reasons of secure storage and easy access.


7.1 The company does not disclose personal data to third parties, except for the registration of the purchase of a property and the upload of supporting documents and only with the express consent of the user who provides them and exclusively to contracting parties in the purchase of a property.

7.2 In the above cases, the company is not responsible for any processing of data by third parties.


8.1 The company uses "cookies" on the websites it manages to improve functionality and track the traffic of each website it manages.

8.2 Cookies are small text files that the website requests the user's browser to save on his or her computer or mobile device.

8.3 Each website managed by the company must request the user's consent before installing them on his or her computer or mobile device and explain to the user how the information collected through them will be used.

8.4 The user may withdraw his or her consent to the use of cookies at any time. Delete cookies

8.5 For cookies that are used solely to transmit certain information, such as for load balancing (which allow the processing of requests from an Internet server by a group of machines instead of only one machine) or for cookies that are absolutely necessary for the provision of a web service requested by the user, no consent is required.


9.1 The user and any other data subject has the right to withdraw (right of withdrawal) at any time his or her consent to the use of personal data or to prohibit the company from processing his or her personal data.

9.2 The user may request access to the personal data that the company holds (right of access) and is entitled to receive a copy of his or her data, free of charge, in a user-friendly format. The company must respond to such requests within one month, providing a copy of the user's personal data, as well as any relevant information regarding their use.

9.3 If the company has stored inaccurate or incomplete data, the user has the right to request their correction or updating (right of rectification).

9.4 The user may request the company to return his or her data or to transfer it to another company (right of portability), if technically feasible and secure.

9.5 If the user's personal data is no longer necessary or is being used by the company in an illegal way, the user has the right to request their deletion (right to be forgotten).

9.6 In the event of theft, loss, or illegal access (data breach), the company is obliged to submit a relevant report to the Data Protection Authority and to inform the user immediately if their personal data or privacy is seriously at risk due to the breach.

9.7 The user has the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority in case of violation of his/her rights regarding data protection.


10.1 Any communication, question, clarification, and/or observation regarding this Statement can be communicated electronically to the email [email protected] or [email protected], or by mail to the company's headquarters at “Naymahias Ellis 1, Patra, 26441, Greece."